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Capify a Project

This page describes the basic method you can use to capify a project to maintain a very flexible and easily maintainable deploy process. This was documented/inspired in RailsCast #337 Capistrano Recipes.


This is a very opinionated process. Some things can be easily changed, they are listed as suggested as below. Other things can not easily be changed, they are listed as required below.

Web/Application Server

The required configuration is nginx/unicorn. However adding/changing these should just be a matter of substituting recipes that yet to be written.


Currently there are no recipes written for any database; however plans are to support MySQL and PostgreSQL


A debian based linux server is required as all of the package management tasks use apt commands. Also a deploy user must be created with sudo rights before anything can be deployed. The application will run under this user and it should be the same name as the project to keep everything straight. Although a “set :user, ‘deploy’ “ can override that.

Later article
rbenv Quick Reference