Dumping Character Codes in Go

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While iterating file names on my OSX system I noticed that I could not do conditional matching the the Icon? file, which is used to store custom icons for the Mac OSX Finder.

Turns out that OSX appends a CR (yes a carriage return) at the end of the file name. WTF?

Anyway… I ended up with this small snippet of code to dump char codes of a string to the console that has no business remaining in the original project.

func DumpString(str string) {
  for _, c := range str {
    fmt.Printf(">%s< %d\n", string(c), c)


$ go run main.go
>H< 72
>e< 101
>l< 108
>l< 108
>o< 111
> < 32
>W< 87
>o< 111
>r< 114
>l< 108
>d< 100

Full Script

A full script / application example (copy paste ready).
Assumes the file is named dump_char_codes.go, update static string in log.Fatalf call for clarity if needed.

package main

import (

func dumpString(str string) {
	for _, c := range str {
		fmt.Printf(">%s< %d\n", string(c), c)

func main() {
	if len(os.Args) != 2 {
		log.Fatalf("USAGE: dump_char_codes [string]")
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